KUNM 89.9 FM
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In this month's ZOUNDS! ...
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Report to the Listeners

By Richard S. Towne, KUNM General Manager

Long-time KUNM volunteer and veteran journalist Kent Paterson has spent hundreds of hours working on a new website to honor KUNM Deejays, programmers and volunteers who have died. This is a work in progress with more personal tributes to come. The new site is now live - https://kunmmemories.org and we hope you will enjoy the many stories Kent has crafted for you.
Untitlecfd-1.jpgHere is the text of Kent’s press release announcing the birth of the new site:

In celebration of KUNM's 50th anniversary in 2016, station volunteers resolved to honor many of their fellow programmers who freely contributed their time and talent over the years but have sadly passed on from this life.

For decades, listeners to the UNM-licensed FM radio station heard their familiar voices on the Singing Wire, the Home of Happy Feet, Freeform, Raices, the Blues Show and other popular programs.

The volunteers were masters of the blues, country, jazz, gospel, rock and other musical genres; they hosted local, regional and international musicians on the air; reported the news of the day; interviewed people from all walks of life on countless topics; and transmitted vital community information to audiences in New Mexico and beyond. In the broadest sense of the word, they were all educators.

"KUNM's home, located in a city where north-south Interstate 25 and east-west Interstate 40 meet and bordered by Native Pueblos and other traditional New Mexican communities, set the stage for the convergence of folks whose multiple musical and public affairs interests nevertheless found a common broadcast outlet," said Kent Paterson, longtime KUNM volunteer and contributor who is coordinating the memorial project.

"Whether native New Mexicans or newcomers from across the U.S. globe, volunteer broadcasters unleashed creative energies that firmly established KUNM as a significant community resource and institution. They were not only skilled in the craft of fine radio but also quite diverse and exceptionally creative in their off-air lives as well. We find men and women who were artists, musicians, biologists, veterans, blue collar workers, bus drivers, poets, actors, teachers, and community leaders."

In memory of the late but not forgotten volunteers, KUNM has created a special page on its website dedicated to their life stories. Visitors will find individual biographies, audio clips from old shows, photographs, and poems written by or about the volunteers. Interested readers will be able to add their comments about the radio personalities.

"For seasoned members of the KUNM community, the memorials will perhaps stir fond memories, maybe even tears and laughter. For newer listeners, the stories are an important element in understanding the rich history of KUNM." Paterson added.

"The honored volunteers were both products and producers of their times, and a lot can be learned about the modern history of Albuquerque, New Mexico and indeed the world through their particular stories. KUNM's dedicated volunteer programmers helped weave the soundtrack of the times and their voices were an invaluable contribution to the cultural pulses and identities of modern New Mexico. "

Memorials dedicated to late KUNM volunteers can be accessed at https://kunmmemories.org. --end--

Important Member Updates

By Mary Oishi, Development Director

Welcome back to the members who were inspired to give again this Fall! We’re so glad to have you back with us. Welcome also to new members who decided to step up and support with a donation this time—as well as by listening. We really appreciate it. As always, we are so grateful to everyone who renews a membership annually or donates year ‘round through our Radio Frequency Club, United Way, or UNM payroll deduction. We truly could not do this without YOU.

Thank you gift update: Later this month you will receive your new KUNM MemberCards and/or coasters. If you gave on-line and did not type in your coaster selection, (or selections if you gave $180--$15 a month—or more), please call Catherine right away at 505-277-0768 and tell us your choice(s) before we place the order. If you qualify for one set, they must all be the same coaster design. If you qualify for two sets, you can opt for 2 different designs OR, if you prefer, 8 coasters of the same design.

NEW for KUNM MemberCard holders! Do you sometimes forget to use your MemberCard 2-for-1 when choosing a restaurant or visiting another town in New Mexico? You can now use the KUNM MemberCard Mobile App to receive a message when you are close to a participating benefit, reminding you to use the 2-for-1 offer nearby! You will need to allow this capability by enabling location services and push messages for the mobile app to take advantage of this feature.

Prize Update! Toby Palley of Albuquerque won the Prius from Independent Vehicle Service. She is a Radio Frequency Club member who also gave an extra gift this Fall. We don’t have a photograph because she has not picked up her prize as of this writing. As soon as she does, we will ask her permission to post her picture with the Prius.

Even if you didn’t win the car, we have one more prize that is really special. It is an authentic Ernst Haas black and white photographic print of Eartha Kitt, taken at a concert in 1952. It measures (framed) 19” x 25-1/2” and was purchased from Monroe Gallery in Santa Fe. The value is $1800. It was donated by an anonymous KUNM supporter in Albuquerque. If you were in any of the drawings so far since August, you are still entered. We will be sending out a mailing to those who did not renew their membership and give them an opportunity to get in this final drawing of 2018. The winner will be drawn in December.

Best wishes for a wonderful November in which we all have much for which to be thankful.

Public Health Reporting Update

By Rashad Mahmood


Much of our reporting in October focused on the election. For the last few elections we’ve done a series called Voices Behind The Vote where we talk to New Mexicans about what issues are important to them and why they’re voting.
For example, May Ortega spoke with a millennial working at the Coronado Center who is getting her peers more involved in politics in her spare time.

Hannah Colton spoke with a student who's got a lot on his mind, including felony charges and an upcoming trial date. Even so, he says he’s getting informed and getting to the polls for the first time this election.

Check out the whole series, as there are more voices being added in the run up to the election on November 6th.

In other election reporting, Marisa Demarco spoke with the state’s Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission vice-chair, former District Court Judge James Hall. The commission helps voters navigate the long list of judges they might not be familiar with by conducting surveys of stakeholders in the justice system, and making recommendations on how judges can improve.

May Ortega attended a weekend-long gun show in Albuquerque to find out how guns are playing into the upcoming election for some New Mexicans. She also spoke with New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence about their efforts.

Next month look for more stellar reporting from the Public Health New Mexico team. KUNM's Public Health New Mexico is funded by the W.K. Kellogg foundation, the McCune Charitable Foundation, the Con Alma Health Foundation and KUNM listeners.

Radio Highlights

Friday, November 2
8:00 am
New Mexico People Places & Ideas

This off-year election is shaping up to be one of the most interesting in years with public interest at an all-time high. In the national races for control of the US Senate, recent polls indicate that Republicans are likely to maintain control while Democrats are favored win the US House. In New Mexico, Democrats are also favored in the Governor, US Senate and in 2 of 3 US house races. Polls also suggest that the Democrats will expand their majority in the NM House. All of these prognostications, however, are dependent on voter intensity, which hinges on Hispanics and Millennial turnout. Dr. Gabriel Sanchez, an assistant professor of political science at the UNM, and a leading expert on Latino and New Mexico politics, joins host Stephen Spitz to talk about the coming election. Produced with assistance of Tanya Cole and Lynn Schibeci.

Saturday, November 3
6:00 am
New Dimensions "Mediation: The Gardening of the Heart" with Gary Gach

 Here our view of meditation is expanded to include engaged spirituality – spirituality that connects us to life. Gach points us toward increasing our mindfulness by drawing on our formal meditation throughout the day. He brings to light that being fully present in our daily life will help us keep our appointment with life, which leads us to live a more purposeful, meaningful life.


Sunday, November 4
6:00 pm
The Politics Show

The Politics Show from NPR is the definitive guide to the 2018 midterms -- a one-hour roundtable discussion airing for nine weeks that presents a deep dive on the major races, themes, and issues defining these historic elections. Featuring the trademark wit that has long characterized the popular NPR Politics Podcast, The Politics Show from NPR will feature reporters who cover politics from a number of different perspectives -- from NPR's White House and Congressional teams to Member station reporters covering local races. Their unique insights into the elections will enable listeners to come away able to discuss the major choices facing voters this election.

Sunday, November 4
6:00 pm
Radio Theatre
Frankenstein – Modern Prometheus

If you've only seen the movies, you do NOT know this tale of love, death, and obsession. Faithfully adapted by Producer Craig Wichman from Mary Shelley's novel, this drama explores the story's themes of responsibility and obsession - perhaps even more relevant in our day than in the author's

Friday, November 9
8:00 am
The Well Woman Show

Today's topic is Finding Your Voice in Your Own Family and Community with Amy Whitfield. Whitfield is Executive Director of the Domestic Violence Resource Center (DVRC, Inc.) in Albuquerque and has been an advocate for women and communities of color fighting for equity for almost two decades. Giovanna Rossi hosts.



Saturday, November 10
6:00 am
New Dimensions
“Removing The Emotional Hooks Of Conflict” with Stewart Levine

Attorney Stewart Levine loved the legal profession because of the ideals it represented. But when he realized the practice of law rarely allowed him to consider human values along with property values, he took down his shingle and became an expert in resolving conflicts in a way that preserves relationships as well as legal rights.

Sunday, November 11
11:00 am
The Politics Show

The Politics Show from NPR is the definitive guide to the 2018 midterms -- a one-hour roundtable discussion airing for nine weeks that presents a deep dive on the major races, themes, and issues defining these historic elections. Featuring the trademark wit that has long characterized the popular NPR Politics Podcast, The Politics Show from NPR will feature reporters who cover politics from a number of different perspectives -- from NPR's White House and Congressional teams to Member station reporters covering local races. Their unique insights into the elections will enable listeners to come away able to discuss the major choices facing voters this election.

Sunday, November 11
6:00 pm
Radio Theatre
Changing of the Guard: Two short plays by Max Baker and James McLindon
Changing of the Guard features two short comedies about getting outpaced by a world zooming way ahead. In The Mandela Effect, written and directed by Max Baker, an actress is convinced that the present is no longer in sync with the past and she has an out-of-this-world explanation. Her friend isn't buying it. In the post-show discussion, Baker and his cast delve into the bizarre, fascinating phenomenon that inspired the play: collective false memory. In James McLindon’s I Don’t Know, an old school drill sergeant is faulted by his new recruits and desperately, hysterically longs for the time when things were simpler. Directed by John Giampietro, the short satire features stage and screen favorite Jay O. Sanders as the Drill Sergeant and an ensemble cast of Broadway, off-Broadway, and TV regulars as his new recruits. Conversation with the creative team is moderated by Playing on Air producing artistic director, Claudia Catania.


Friday, Novomber 16
8:00 am
Peace Talks Radio: Grappling with the Violence of Whiteness

In public discussions of racial violence, the focus is often on people of
color and the way they experience racism. This episode’s guests turn the
lens on Whiteness, asking how the notion of Whiteness came to be, how it
shaped American history and how it perpetuates injustice in our systems and
interpersonal interactions today.

John Biewen, a radio journalist and professor at the Center for Documentary
Studies, produced the 2017 documentary podcast series “Seeing White.” Cheryl
E. Matias, Ph.D., is professor at the University of Colorado in Denver and
wrote the book Feeling White: Whiteness, Emotionality and Education.
Hannah Colton hosts.

Saturday, November 17
6:00 am
New Dimensions
"Taking A Vow For Humanity And The Earth" with Matthew Fox, Ph.D., Skylar Wilson, Jennifer Berit Listug

Fox, Wilson, and Listug share the vision of a co-creative “Order of the Sacred Earth (OSE)” as an antidote to the many negative forces that surround us. Many people are forming “pods” and joining this order by creating rituals, taking the vow “I promise to be the best lover and defender of Earth I can be,” and connecting with one another through a hub website.

Sunday, November 18
11:00 am
Smackdown: City Hall vs Big Oil

Richmond California is a working class town that grew up in the shadow of a Chevron refinery. The company ran both the economy – and the local government – for more than a century. But times are changing. Climate champions have flipped City Hall to their side. What happens when an oil company decides to fight back? Andres Soto has lived in and around Richmond all his life. And today he is standing up to big oil. With climate deniers holding the highest offices in the land, Andres’ work to put environmental leaders into city government may be the best path for climate activists. Cities across the country are joining Richmond as mayors design their cities for climate resilience and a green economy. “Think Globally, Vote Locally” is a good motto for our times.

Sunday, November 18
Radio Theatre La Vida Latina: Zoot Suit (Hour Two) 

Los Angeles is a city whose progressive values have often rubbed shoulders with periods of civic unrest. Among the most notorious were the “Zoot Suit Riots” of 1943, when white servicemen targeted young Mexican-Americans who wore the flashy, broad-shouldered attire known as zoot suits. And while tensions between whites and Chicanos had been simmering for years, the flashpoint was an event known in the tabloids as The Sleepy Lagoon Murder Case, which forms the basis of this week’s story: Zoot Suit, written and directed by Luis Valdez. Starring Marco Rodriguez, Kinan Valdez, and Gregory Itzin.   

Saturday, November 24
6:00 am
New Dimensions
"Developing Our Superpower Of Connecting With Others" With Jonathan Robinson

Discover how we may be become more effective communicators to create more empathy, intimacy, and understanding in all our relationships. One of the keys to fostering deep trust and intimacy is asking questions while being vulnerable enough to openly share details of what we are thinking and feeling. The techniques and stories Robinson shares here are like sacred medicine. 

Sunday, November 25
11:00 am
Five Farms: Harvest

Autumn is harvest time. That means Iowa corn and soybeans; fruit dried in the California sun; greens, beans, and potatoes; slaughtered hogs and beef trucked to market. It also means Thanksgiving turkeys. Harvest follows the families to the grain elevator, the farmers markets and, in a welcome break from work, the State Fair. It's the time of summing up after the long growing season --- the time to decide whether the gamble of early spring planting season has paid off.


Sunday, November 25
Radio Theatre La Vida Latina: Zoot Suit (Hour Two)

Los Angeles is a city whose progressive values have often rubbed shoulders with periods of civic unrest. Among the most notorious were the “Zoot Suit Riots” of 1943, when white servicemen targeted young Mexican-Americans who wore the flashy, broad-shouldered attire known as zoot suits. And while tensions between whites and Chicanos had been simmering for years, the flashpoint was an event known in the tabloids as The Sleepy Lagoon Murder Case, which forms the basis of this week’s story: Zoot Suit, written and directed by Luis Valdez. Starring Marco Rodriguez, Kinan Valdez, and Gregory Itzin.

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General Meeting of the
KUNM Community

Tuesday, December 5th, at 6:30 pm
For volunteers, staff, members,
listeners and the general public in Oñate Hall, Room 133 on the UNM Campus

Radio Board Meeting

Wednesday, November 6th at 6:00 pm

Licensee’s Meeting

KUNM is licensed by the FCC to the Regents of the University of New Mexico. The Regents’ meetings are open to the public.
For a schedule of Regents’ meetings, please click

Program Underwriters

Acequia Investment Group
10611 B, 4th St. NW

The Amish Connection
1009 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE

Delta Dental of New Mexico

Canteen Brewhouse
417 Tramway Blvd NE

Dr. John Heuertz / Atlas33
4010 Carlisle Blvd. NE
Suite F

The Evolution Group
218 Broadway Blvd. SE

Fan Tang
3523 Central Ave. NE

Field & Frame
107 Tulane Dr SE

Fred & Sandra Creek, Realtors
6565 Americas Pkwy. NE Suite 200

Glass-Rite Window Installation Service
808 Gibson Blvd. SE

Heidi’s Raspberry Farm
P.O. Box 1329

Hospice of New Mexico
2900 Louisiana Blvd NE, Suite 100

Jim’s Automotive
4401 Lead SE

6916 Montgomery Blvd. NE
Marble Brewery
111 Marble Ave NW

Maxwell Law
9400 Holly Ave. NE, Bldg 4

New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St NE

Park It Place

Positive Energy Solar
3600 Pan American Fwy. NE

Positive Energy Solar
3600 Pan American Fwy. NE

Pregenzer, Baysinger, Wideman & Sale PC
2424 Louisiana Blvd. NE # 200

1300 2nd Street NW

Self Serve Sexuality Resource Center
3904 Central Ave. SE 

Sunshine Theater
120 Central Ave SW

Vein Center of New Mexico
801 Encino Pl NE # C12

Vessel Health
10601 4th St.NW

Weekly Alibi
Albuquerque’s news and entertainment weekly, free every Thursday at more than 800 locations

Whiting Coffee Company
3700 Osuna NE

Women’s Specialist of New Mexico

The Independent

2005A Rte. 66

Dan Cron Law Firm,P.C.

425 Sandoval St.  

Green Fire Times
Newspaper dedicated to a diverse and sustainable green economy.

227 Don Gaspar Ave.

Local Flavor
117 N Guadalupe St, Suite C

Santa Fe Reporter
P.O. Box 2306

Ten Thousand Waves
3451 Hyde Park Rd.

Il Vicino Wood Oven Pizza & Brewery

Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Law Firm of Rothstein & Donatelli
Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Taos, Phoenix  

Plants of the Southwest
6680 4th St. NW, Albuquerque
3095 Agua Fria St., Santa Fe

Presbyterian Centennial Care

Program Listings

Afropop Worldwide
Fri. 10 p.m. Music with an African influence from around the world.

All That Jazz
M-F noon. Jazz, straight ahead to fusion.

All Things Considered
M-F 5 p.m., Sat. & Sun. 5 p.m. Award-winning news magazine from NPR.

Alternative Radio
Sat. 6 p.m. The view from the other side, from some of the most progressive writers, thinkers and activists of our time.

Art of the Song
Wed. 10 p.m. Art of the Song explores songwriting and the creative process, featuring New Mexico talent and internationally acclaimed performers.
The Blues Show
Wed. 7 p.m. The spectrum of blues music, plus interviews, live performances, and blues news.

Call-In Show
Thur. 8 a.m. Live interviews with community leaders; call in your comments and questions at 277-KUNM.

CCNS Update
Sat. 7 p.m. Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety presents the latest local, national and international news about nuclear issues.

The Children’s Hour
Sat. 9 a.m. Enriching, educating, enlightening, and entertaining radio for kids of all ages.

Coffee Express
Fri. 1-3 a.m. Live, improvised music, voice, effects and sound collages, combined with on-air phone callers, CDs and records, tape loops, internet audio, etc. It’s not jazz, but it is caffeinated.

Corazón Tanguero
1st and 3rd Saturdays, 4:15-4:45 p.m. Music/Culture program on Argentine Tango, featuring works from the Old Guard of the 1920s through the Golden Age of the 30s and 40s and beyond.

Tues. 8:30 a.m. A critique of the week’s news coverage by other media, from FAIR.

Democracy Now
M-F 4 p.m. From Pacifica, diverse commentators focus on the issues affecting individuals and society.

Ear to the Ground
Sat. 7 p.m. Alocal music showcase, featuring live performances by local talent.

Espejos de Aztlán
Mon. 7-7:30  p.m. Bilingual arts and public affairs program with interviews.

Folk Routes
Sat. 10 a.m. A weekly sampling of the best in folk, blues to bluegrass and beyond.

Music M-F 1:30-4 p.m.; overnights. A diverse showcase of KUNM’s music library, uncovering common roots in music from different places and times.

Thu. 10 p.m. New Mexico’s international electronic and “new” music program featuring guest composers, artists and interviews.

Global Music
Mon. 10 p.m.
Exploration of music from around the world.

Grassroots New Mexico
A weekly social justice radio calendar from the Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice.

Home of Happy Feet
Tues. 7 p.m. Folk music in the broadest sense of the term. Bluegrass, blues, cajun, zydeco, western swing, rockabilly, Tex-Mex, and more!

House that Jazz Built
Sun. 11 p.m. Uncompromising creative music from the past 30 years.

Iyah Music
Thur. 7 p.m. Reggae and roots; a spectrum of African-influenced music.

KUNM Specials
Sun. 11 a.m. From public affairs to holiday specials, the latest and best in local and national production.

Latino USA
Mon. 8:00 a.m. English-language radio journal of Latino news and culture.
Living on Earth
Wed. 8 a.m.    Weekly environmental news and information program, from NPR.

Morning Edition
M-F 5-8:30 a.m. Award-winning morning news magazine from NPR.

Music to Soothe the Savage Beast
Tues. 10 p.m. Progressive and indie rock culled from new releases you’re not likely to hear anywhere else. Plus live and recorded local music.

Native America Calling
M-F 11a.m. The nation’s first live daily call-in program by, for, and about native people. 1-800-99NATIVE.

National Native News
M-F 11:01 a.m. 5-min. newscast focusing on Native American issues.

New Dimensions
Sat 6 a.m. Dialogues presenting a diversity of views from many traditions and cultures, with practical knowledge and perennial wisdom for a more healthy life of mind, body and spirit.

News at Noon
M-F noon. News update from NPR.

Other Voices, Other Sounds
Sun. 9 p.m. Contemporary music & sound art with an international perspective.

Performance Today
M-F 9 a.m. A two-hour program of classical music performances, recorded live; from NPR.

Psychedelic Radio Head~Shoppe
Sat. 10:30 p.m.  Deep tracks from the rock ‘n’ roll underground.  Electric music for the mind and body from the ‘60’s & ‘70’s. 

Radio Theatre
Sun. 6 p.m. From traditional to experimental, set in the theater of the mind.

Mon. 7 p.m. & Sat. 2 p.m. Latin American Freeform music, all genres of Hispanic music.

Route 66
Sat. 8 p.m. “Oldies,” commentary, dedications & requests, and special guests.

Salsa Sabrosa
Fri. 7 p.m. Afro-Caribbean-influenced music.

Singing Wire
Sun. noon. Native American music, traditional to today’s sounds of folk, C&W, rock.

Spoken Word
Sun. 8 p.m. You know the power of words; now hear the power of poetry. Y mas!

M-F 7 p.m., Sat. & Sun. 6 p.m. Two-minute travelguide to the universe. What to look for in the night sky, tales of ancient skylore.

Street Beat
Fri. 11 p.m. New Mexico’s source for live turntablism, mixing and scratching a variety of rare funk, rock, jazz, and soul breaks, from the old to the new.

Sub Sequence/Soul Delux
Sat. 1 a.m. The thinking perosn's Club music.

This American Life
Sun. 4 p.m. A quirky look at modern life through fact, fiction and found tape.

This Way Out
Fri. 8:30 a.m. International lesbian and gay news magazine.

Tombstone Rock
Wed. 11 p.m. Ear-shredding metal music other stations are afraid to play.

Train to Glory
Sun. 6 a.m. Sunday morning Black gospel music featuring traditional, contemporary, and local church choirs.

Voces Feministas
First Sat. every month, noon. Features the voices of third world      women, and women of color.

Weekend Edition
Sat. 7 a.m., Sun. 9 a.m. Weekend news magazine from NPR.

Women’s Focus
Sat. noon.    Women’s magazine on politics, art, culture, news, and information.

Youth Radio/Generation Justice
Sun 7 p.m. The voices of NM teens via news, commentary, interviews and music.
Copyright © 2018 KUNM RADIO, All rights reserved.

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